The new series premiered in Kyoto "Shisyu: Another World Created by the Competition of Silver Foil, Sulfur, and Sumi Ink" / Kyoto Takashimaya Department Store, Kyoto, Japan 2023.5.21
Experience traditional games at Kyoto folding fan specialty shop [Ogiya Hangesho] / Kiyomizu Gojo 2023.5.20
Special Spring Exhibition in 2023 "The 40th Anniversary Masterpieces: The Eyes of Nomura Toan" / The Nomura Art Museum, Tokyo 2023.5.20
Director Tomonori Hosaka and former SMAP member Katsuyuki Mori appeared on stage at [UPLINK Kyoto]! 2023.5.19
Learn about the development and history of sake brewing in Fushimi, Kyoto [Gekkeikan Okura Memorial Museum] 2023.5.19
Many works on the subject of children "Children in Pictures at School"/Kyoto City Museum of School History 2023.5.19
Yase-no Sotoso Asobi vol.3", a gathering of 18 restaurants enjoying nature and food in Yase, Kyoto 2023.5.18
A must-see for history buffs! The exhibition "Historical Painting Paradise" will be held... 2025.1.16