Rediscovering the charm of Kyoto "I still love Kyoto - Seiho, Shoen and other painters who loved Kyoto" / Fukuda Art Museum 2022.2.28
"Fushimi Jukkokubune" crossing the sake village while being blown by a gentle breeze / Fushimi 2022.2.28
A Thousand Miles of Roads Traveled by Man of Letters "Travels Through Paintings: Man of Letters Paintings in the Sumitomo Collection" / Izumiya Hakkokan 2022.2.28
Special Exhibition "Saicho and All About Tendai Buddhism" commemorating the 1200th Anniversary of the Great Teacher Dengyo Daishi / Kyoto National Museum 2022.2.28
[Myoki-an] in Oyamazaki, which has the only surviving tea room built by Sen no Rikyu / Rikyu Sanpo 2022.2.27
The 500th Anniversary of Sen no Rikyu's Birth: The Establishment of Rikyu's Tea Ceremony / The Nomura Art Museum 2022.2.21
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the first "Kyoto Horse Race"! The first "Kyoto Horse Race" was held in Kyoto, Japan! /... 2025.1.29