Takayama in Kawaramachi is a colorful...
Ichinofunairi (Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture) offers creative Kyoto-style Chinese cuisine that is both light and rich, utilizing the flavor of soup stock. The restaurant has adopted the concept of "medicine and food are one and the same" and uses a variety of seasonal, pesticide-free vegetables from contracted farmers.
In Kanto, the broth is thin and flavorful, but in Kyoto, the broth is thick and flavorful. In other words, the flavor of good broth is essential for Kyoto cuisine. We also researched what kind of water would be suitable, and sought Chinese cuisine that would fit in well in Kyoto," says Yoshiyuki Wei, who was born and raised in Yokohama's Chinatown and has been helping his parents' Chinese restaurant since he was in elementary school.
In addition to Japanese broths, French broths are also used to create a fusion of authentic Chinese flavors. Enjoy "Chinese in Kyoto" with full of originality in a space renovated from a charming machiya (townhouse), a former teahouse.
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