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Genbu Shrine Main Hall

Genbu Shrine in Shino continues to preserve the tradition of the "Yasurayasai" festival.

Genbu Shrine (Kita-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture) bears the name of Genbu, one of the four deities that protect the royal castle. It is said to have been built in the Genkei period (877-885) of the Heian period (794-1185) as a shrine to protect the northern part of Kyoto. The deity is Prince Koretaka, the first prince of Emperor Montoku. The main hall of the shrine enshrines a statue of Genbu, a tortoise with a snake coiled around it. Because of its close association with the tortoise, the statue is said to bring good fortune in the form of protection against the direction of the sun, evil spirits, and epidemics. In addition, many turtles are kept in a small pond on the grounds of the shrine, which is also known as "Turtle Palace.

Genbu Shrine Genbu Statue

seven mansions (Chinese constellations) of the northern heavens

Genbu Shrine Yasurai Festival

The procession of "Genbu Yasuraisai". Yasuraisai Matsuri" was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in November 2022 under the name of "Yasuraibana" as one of the Fuuryu Odori (traditional dances).

[Along with the fire festival at Kuramadera Temple and the cattle festival at Koryu-ji Temple, the Genbu Yasurai Festival is one of the three most unusual festivals in Kyoto. On the second Sunday of April every year, demon actors parade through the town, sounding gongs and drums and dancing. By entering the procession's flower umbrellas, the demons drive away evil spirits and plague, and are meant to contain the god of pestilence in the shrines. The origin of the festival is said to date back to the middle of the Heian period (794-1185), when it was held to quell the spread of an epidemic. Since then, Genbu-jinja Shrine has maintained the tradition as the birthplace of the Yasuraisai. The festival is now designated as a national Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset. Pray for good health and good fortune in Kyoto in spring.

Genbu Shrine

  • Genbu Shrine
  • 88, Shino Unrin-in-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
  • 4 min. walk from bus stops "Daitokuji-mae" and "Kitaoji Horikawa
  • Tel. 075-451-4680
  • http://yasurai.org/

  • [Normal visit]
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