The charm of new "Kyo-Mono" created by young craftsmen and artists in Kyoto...
OWN KYOTO (Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture) deals in custom-made leather shoes and vintage used clothing. The store name is an acronym for "OLD," "WILL," and "NEW," which means "things gain value through continued use and are reborn anew.
Customers can choose from more than 50 types of leather for custom-made shoes, and enjoy the freedom to select any combination of wooden shapes and designs. The time spent consulting with the couple to customize leather shoes to your liking is also very exciting.
In addition, vintage clothing is sold in the store to coordinate perfectly with leather shoes. The store offers a variety of vintage clothing from Europe and America, as well as Euro work, military, and other genres.
Over 600 interviews per year! An order site carefully selected by the editors who knows Kyoto and Shiga.
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