The secret story behind the opening of Tsujiyama Kyuyo, a Japanese confectionery in Nagaokakyo, Kyoto...
June 21, 2024 open
Pastry chef Takao Nakatsuka, winner of the Quimby Garden Maple Sweets Contest and other prestigious competitions, will open Doucement (Minami Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture) in June 2024. His starting point is a place where he was born and raised and where he has fond memories of baking cakes with his sisters when he was a child.
The joy of completing a confectionery product was what attracted him to patisseries. He has gained experience at famous restaurants, hotels, and confectionery stores. Although it may seem like a smooth path, he had been struggling with his approach to pastry making until he opened Doucement.
For three years starting in 2019, he will leave Kyoto and work as a Regional Development Cooperation Volunteer in Tokachi Ashoro Town, Hokkaido. In the northern region, he was fortunate to meet a variety of producers, including the dairy farmers of Arigatou Ranch, which runs a pasture-based dairy farm that is considered friendly to cows and the natural environment, as well as cheesemakers and shepherds, and made efforts to revitalize the town through confectionery.
He decided to restart his confectionery business in Kyoto, where he was born and raised, after coming into contact with the way of life of producers who cherish life and sincerely deal with animals and nature without being greedy. Doucement, which he started with his wife whom he met in Ashoromachi, places importance on his desire to "make sweets that carry the feelings of the producers. He meets and talks with producers in person, and purchases ingredients that he is convinced of.
[Doucement" is a French word meaning "gentle" or "relaxed. The name "Doucement" is a French word meaning "gentle" or "relaxed." It expresses the hope that the shop will be a friendly place for everyone involved. Nakatsuka says, "I can make cakes that are not sparkling, but have warmth, which is what makes me unique. Today, she continues to cherish the relationships she has with the producers, and creates confections that envelop the people who eat them with a generous feeling.
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