The Eieie Ryokan in Kiyamachi is a traditional Japanese-style inn...
The Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Kawaramachi Jokyoji is located in a temple of the Jodo sect, which boasts a history of over 500 years. Inside the hotel, you can enjoy a special experience as if you were staying at a temple museum, with valuable historical artifacts from Jokyo-ji on display. The monotone interior of the hotel is decorated with a washbasin reminiscent of a hand-watering basin and artwork featuring lanterns. In the large bath, a fantastic calligraphy artwork floats in the air.
For meals, you can enjoy cuisine prepared by a famous Fukuoka restaurant [Monk Ono Isshu-An], and for breakfast, you can choose your favorite set meal from a selection of three choices. The downtown area is also within walking distance, so you can go to Ponto-cho and Gion on foot.
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