NAKED Night Walk™ Hieizan Sakamoto," an autumn stroll in which art shines brightly / Hiyoshi approach, Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine, Seigenji Temple, Former Chikurinin Temple, etc. 2024.10.2
Plum Picking" harvesting event at Shiga's wagashi confectionery store, Kano Shoujuan / Kano Shoujuan: Longevity of Longevity 2024.6.13
[2024] Enjoy Summer by Swimming in Lake Biwa! Popular Lake Bathing Spots in Shiga, Close to Kyoto 2024.6.11
Check out the wonderful combination of bread and coffee at "and COFFEE Fes." on May 19 (Sun.) / Blume Hill, Shiga Agricultural Park 2024.5.15
Kaizu-Osaki Cherry Blossom Cruise 2024," a cruise boat tour of Shiga's famous cherry blossom spots, will operate for a limited time starting Saturday, March 23! 2024.3.3
[An afternoon tea featuring ripe strawberries from a local strawberry farm at the Lake Biwa Marriott Hotel will begin on Saturday, January 6, 2024! 2023.12.22
An immersive picture scroll experience "in a hundred different ways," "Mika Ninagawa Exhibition with... 2025.1.4