Plum Picking" harvesting event at Shiga's wagashi confectionery store, Kano Shoujuan / Kano Shoujuan: Longevity of Longevity 2024.6.13
A photo exhibition that includes unpublished works “Rinko Kawauchi: M/E On the Sphere: Infinite Series” / Shiga Prefectural Museum of Art 2023.1.5
Ceramics from Shigaraki and up-and-coming young artists will also exhibit “Stones and Plants” / Shiga Prefectural Museum of Art 2022.10.16
To the splendid and magnificent "Shunkyo World" Special exhibition "150th Anniversary of Yamamoto Shunkyo" / Shiga Prefectural Museum of Art 2022.4.29
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the first "Kyoto Horse Race"! The first "Kyoto Horse Race" was held in Kyoto, Japan! /... 2025.1.29