Eating the Tale of Genji" is a...
Standing south of Shimogamo Shrine is the former villa of the Mitsui family, a wealthy merchant who made a fortune selling kimono during the Edo period. The main building from the Meiji era that was relocated from Kiyamachi Sanjo, the entrance building that was added in the Taisho era, and the tea room that remains from the Edo era. Due to its high value as a modern Japanese-style building, it was designated as an Important Cultural Property in 2011 and opened to the public in the fall of 2016.
Normally, you can see the entrance building, the first floor of the three-story main building, and the garden.
The garden in front of the mansion is covered with green moss that further enhances the beauty of Japanese style.
For a limited time only, the 2nd floor of the main building and the 3rd floor watchtower will be open to the public. You can overlook the beautiful garden from the second floor of the main building, which is usually closed to the public, and you can also see Higashiyama from the third-floor watchtower with glass windows on all sides.
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