The Jonangu Shrine in Fushimi, a shrine of great faith as a place to ward off the...
The shrine was originally built around 750 during the Nara period (710-750) by Tachibana Michiyo, mother of the imperial family member and politician Tachibana Muroto, as a clan temple of the Tachibana clan, and enshrined the god of sake brewing, Shukaijin, in present-day Ide-machi, which is called the patron god of sake brewing. It is said that Empress Danrin, the wife of Emperor Saga, moved the temple to its present location during the Heian period (794-1185). Since Empress Danrin prayed at Umemiya Shrine and gave birth to her first child, the shrine has been worshipped as a god of fertility and safe delivery, and there is a custom of placing a straddle stone and sand for childbirth on the shrine grounds. In the shrine garden, visitors can appreciate beautiful seasonal flowers such as kakitsubata in addition to plum blossoms.
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