Setsubun means the division of the seasons into spring, summer, fall, and winter.This year, Risshun falls on February 4, so the previous day, the 3rd, falls on Setsubun, the turning point between winter and spring.
Since ancient times, Risshun, or the first day of spring, has been considered important as the beginning of spring, or the start of the year, and on that New Year's EveTsuina Ceremony to drive away the evil of the old yearhas been held in Kyoto. Tsuina is an event to drive away ogres, and in Kyoto, many temples and shrines hold Setsubun festivals, which is a typical event of this time of year. In such a situation,On this day alone, "Daruma" plays the leading role in the temple.There is.
Not far from Enmachi Station, the Myoshinji School of the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism.Falun GongIt is. In the Daruma Hall in the precincts of the temple,About 8,000 darumais enshrined in the temple, and the people of Kyoto refer to it as Horinji Temple.Daruma Temple.The street is called "Setsubun" in Japanese, and the name is affectionately used to refer to the festival. Every year, as Setsubun approaches, red and white banners and lanterns are erected on Shimodachiuri Dori and the bridge over the Kamiya River, and the normally quiet street is instantly filled with a lively atmosphere. A huge Daruma doll welcomes visitors by the temple gate, and once inside the temple grounds, visitors are greeted with a lively atmosphere,There you will find Daruma-zukuri .......
Banners and lanterns on Shimotachiuri Dori
Darumadera Temple on Setsubun
Visitors are welcomed by the gate of Darumadera Temple.
Small Bodhidharmas of the type called "Kinten
Daruma was modeled on a real person from about 1,500 years ago. He is known as the founder of Zen Buddhism, and is known for the legend of "Menekabe-no-Kunen," in which he sat facing a wall for nine years and attained enlightenment. TheThe image of Daruma Daishi practicing asceticism and his indomitable spirit later became a symbol of good luck and fortune.I guess.
Nowadays, it is familiar to write in one black eye that is not in the election. When the eye is put in,You should first make a wish and put in the left eye (facing right), and when it is fulfilled, put in the right eye (facing left).I ask. It seems to derive from the fact that the left side of the body is considered yang and the right side yin in the Yin-Yang path.
Bodhidharma with and without eyes
Speaking of Daruma, along with its shape,Striking red colorIt is. One theory is that daruma is red because in ChinaThe most virtuous monks wear red vestments.It is said that the name of the goddess of the gods is "Daruma" and that Daruma Daishi also wore it. Also, since ancient timesred is the color of evilIt was also the color to ward off pox. In the pastA color with special power because red could not be created artificiallyOne of the reasons for this may be that it has been considered
Daruma is said to have originated in the "Futou-o" dolls imported during the Muromachi period (1336-1573) through trade between the Ming Dynasty in China and the Muromachi Shogunate. The "Futouou", which was a luxury item for the wealthy in Kyoto, spread to the common people as a "kitekari koboushi", which then spread to the east and west. It is believed that this changed further in the middle of the Edo period (1603-1867), giving birth to daruma. In Kyoto, the "kitekoboshi" has long been loved as a children's toy. It is said that in the area east of Kyoto, it developed as Daruma, while in the west, the shape of the "up-and-down" doll has remained strong.
By the way, speaking of SetsubunBean-throwingBut the act of sowing beans,destroy the devilThe name comes from the meaning of the word "to".
beans of the Setsubun Festival (Jan. 15)
It is especially cold in Kyoto this winter. One of the ways to celebrate Setsubun in Kyoto is to listen to the priest preach Daruma while receiving Daruma's power at the Daruma-inspired Horin-ji temple to welcome Risshun. Sprinkling beans to destroy evil spirits and eating Daruma-yaki, a good-luck charm sold on the temple grounds during this season, will make you feel like spring has sprung even a little earlier.
Daruma-yaki" sold in the precincts of Darumadera Temple on Setsubun
Tradition that exists everywhere in the city of Kyoto. It is not just a picture, it is secretly alive in this modern age and continues to coexist with people. The two of Office TO, who previously wrote a series of articles "Kyoto's Demon World Exploration" in the monthly magazine Leaf, explore the mysterious "different" world of Kyoto, which was created over 1200 years. I will unravel the story while actually visiting the place. .