May is the season for the Aoi Festival, one of Kyoto's three major festivals.
Since ancient times,Kyoto is a treasure trove of festivals throughout the year.was. According to the book "Hinamikiji" written by Dosuke Kurokawa, a Confucian physician who lived in Kyoto in the early Edo period,More than 1,500 events a yearIt is said that there was.
Among them,When speaking of festivals, it was said that this was the Aoi Festival.was. It is an annual festival of Kamo Miso Shrine (Shimogamo Shrine) and Kamobetsu Rai Shrine (Kamigamo Shrine), which has a tradition of over 1,000 years.It was originally called ``Kamo Festival'', and now it is called Aoi Festival. , it is said that it began in the Genroku period.
Aoi Festival picture postcard published about 110 years ago.
It says “Kyoto Kamo Aoi Festival” (in the possession of the author)
Shimogamo Shrine Sakura Gate
In the first place, ``matsuri'' was meant to welcome the gods. at the Aoi FestivalPlants essential for welcoming the godsThere is. The main character of the festival, the Saiodai, puts it in his hair, and it decorates everything from the people involved in the ritual to the ox carts.FutabaaoiIt is. A long time ago, Aoi was written as "Afuhi". In this festival, ``afu'' is said to represent ``meet'' and ``hi'' represents the power of the gods, and in ancient poems it is often used as ``the day you meet'', but could it be similar to ``the day you meet God''? . Approximately 10,000 pieces are used in a single festival, and they have played an important role. It is also known as the divine emblem of Kamo Shrine and the origin of the festival's name.
(photo library)
Now, this Aoi Festival used to have a huge number of visitors. Heian period,The enthusiasm of the onlookersIt is said to be the world's oldest novel that symbolically features"The Tale of Genji"right.
When you read the scene of the car fight between Aoi-gami and Rokujo no Miyasudokoro, which is depicted in Chapter 9, ``Aoi,'' it isIt was the day of Saio's purification ritual, and the main road was so crowded with spectators that there was no place to park the oxcarts.Among them was a noble man who was riding in an old wicker wagon so as not to attract attention, trying to get a glimpse of Hikaru Genji on his sunny day. This is Hikaru Genji's former lover, Rokujo Miyasudokoro. However, her car is pushed aside by the oxcart of Hikaru Genji's legal wife, Aoi, who arrives later, and her car is destroyed, and she is humiliated in front of a large number of onlookers. The prideful Misudokoro becomes a living spirit out of jealousy and humiliation towards Aoi and possesses her, eventually killing her. This is one of the famous scenes that depicts the horror and sadness of a woman's obsession.
Aoi Festival Ox Cart
A dramatic story that combines the typical festivals of the time to welcome the gods and the woman's obsession.I have to take my hat off to Murasaki Shikibu's concept.
The scene depicted in this car fight was not exactly fiction. In fact, it is said that during festivals before the Heian period, large numbers of spectators would flock to the festival, leading to many brawls and even deaths. There was even a ban issued because it was considered dangerous.
By the way, the ``Futabaaoi'' is an indispensable plant for the Aoi Festival, but it seems that the number of wild hyacinths growing in the wild has decreased dramatically in recent years. Protecting and nurturing Futaba MallowprojectI heard that it was rising. I would like to watch the elegant dynasty procession held on the 15th this year as well, praying that both the Aoi Festival and Futaba Aoi will be passed down to future generations.
Aoi Festival procession
Aoi Festival flower hat
Tradition that exists everywhere in the city of Kyoto. It is not just a picture, it is secretly alive in this modern age and continues to coexist with people. The two of Office TO, who previously wrote a series of articles "Kyoto's Demon World Exploration" in the monthly magazine Leaf, explore the mysterious "different" world of Kyoto, which was created over 1200 years. I will unravel the story while actually visiting the place. .