The new series premiered in Kyoto "Shisyu: Another World Created by the Competition of Silver Foil, Sulfur, and Sumi Ink" / Kyoto Takashimaya Department Store, Kyoto, Japan
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - Sunday, May 28, 2023
10:00-18:00 (last admission/17:30)
Kyoto Takashimaya 7F Grand Hall
The world-renowned calligrapher Shisyu will hold an exhibition entitled "The Power of Art 2023" at the "Takashimaya Museum & Takashimaya Art Department: The Power of Art 2023" from May 24 (Wed) to 28 (Sun), 2023, at the Kyoto Takashimaya Department Store.
Shisyu's works, which include "three-dimensional calligraphy" that frees "calligraphy" from the constraints of flat surfaces and traditional culture, and "calligraphy paintings" that fuse calligraphy with painting, are unique contemporary artworks that reconstruct traditional culture from a new perspective. The new series, which will be presented for the first time in Kyoto, incorporates elements such as ink, silver, and sulfur to create a "new calligraphy" that fuses Western art and Japanese culture.
The new expression that combines depth and deep fascination, which may be mistaken for classical painting, is burned into the eyes of the viewers.
During the exhibition, Shisyu is also scheduled to be at the venue on Saturday, the 27th.
Shisyu - A different world created by the competition of silver leaf, sulfur, and sumi ink
- Rep. Sasaki, Sumi no Kikugaku Gumiai Mukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives, approx. 1887-1895)
- Kyoto Takashimaya 7F Grand Hall
- May 24, 2023 (Wed) - May 28, 2023 (Sun) 10:00 - 18:00 (last admission / 17:30)
- free
- Inquiries: Shisyu Atelier (
- 52 Nishiiruma-cho, Shijo-dori Kawaramachi, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture
- Directly connected to Hankyu Kyoto Kawaramachi Station
*Since this site uses automatic translation, the translation may differ from the original Japanese content.
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