The charms of Misato Town, Miyagi Prefecture, nurtured by the Osaki Arable Land, a World Agricultural Heritage site, are explored! 2023.11.24 PR
[The Royal Park Hotel Kyoto Shijo is offering Christmas Afternoon Tea 2023 again this year. 2023.11.15
Made in Kyoto "Wagashi Saijiki" - From the court ritual of Gen'ino, held on the day of the Boar, the time of the Boar. Boar's Child Mochi" is a sweet rice cake made with the wish for good health and good fortune. 2023.10.27
Made in Kyoto "Evolving long-established shop" - Over 270 years of dealing in "Japanese colors". From paints to nails, Uehaesou offers beautiful colors. 2023.10.25
Lacquer Lab. - Sensitivity and Science Connect Manufacturing -" at the Museum of Kyoto Traditional Industries from Saturday, October 28, 2012. 2023.10.13
An immersive picture scroll experience "in a hundred different ways," "Mika Ninagawa Exhibition with... 2025.1.4