Etsushi Toyokawa, star of the film "Work in Progress: Umeyasu Fujieda," co-starring Ryosei Tayama and director Shunsaku Kawage, took the stage at the opening ceremony in Kyoto! 2023.2.14
Enjoy the scenery and winter delicacies of Arashiyama at a luxury hotel in Arashiyama [Suiran Luxury Collection Hotel Kyoto] 2023.2.1 PR
Chance to win 1kg of Kyoto Wagyu Beef! The 2nd "Oagariyasu Kyoto Wagyu" present campaign! 2023.1.31 PR
Takuya Kimura, Haruka Ayase, and director Keishi Otomo appeared at a press conference and stage greeting in Kyoto prior to the release of the film "Legend & Butterfly! 2023.1.26
A must-see for history buffs! The exhibition "Historical Painting Paradise" will be held... 2025.1.16