Sankai," a collection of mysterious happenings in the mountains, is enjoying a quiet boom.In the mountains, where it is dimly lit and quiet, the nerves of the whole body are sharpened and one becomes sensitive to things that would be overlooked in the hustle and bustle of the city. In Kyoto, a land of clear blue skies surrounded by mountains on three sides, there are many tales of strange happenings related to the mountains. We, tooI've walked in the mountains for interviews and had a few strange experiences.I would like to introduce you to one of them. I would like to introduce one of them.
When I climbed the ruins of Shuzan Castle, a castle mountain associated with Mitsuhide Akechi, a warlord of the Warring States period.The site of Shuyama Castle in Keihoku-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City, is said to have been built by Mitsuhide on a hilltop about 480 m above sea level to hold the Shuyama Kaido road connecting Wakasa to Kyoto.
The stonewalls of the castle's circle are piled up on the ground, and they show what it was like in those days,The name of Shusan Castle has disappeared from history since the Hideyoshi era, and it is like "the remains of a soldier's dreamIt is. I was told by a local resident that these stone walls were mixed with gravestones that had been taken out of the surrounding temples, which made me feel even more desolate.
Trailhead (exit) to Shusan Castle Ruins
A stony slope continues.
The trail had been ravaged by recent typhoon disasters. We finally climbed out of the crumbling steep slope and followed a path littered with moss-covered large stones to a plaza. A sign on the ground indicated that this was the center of the castle to the east. After observing the castle ruins, we planned to stop by the western castle ruins and descend from the forest road via Mt.
On the way up to the castle ruins, we came to a good vantage point. The view was spectacular!
A map of the main part of Shuzan Castle found on a stump on the way to the castle.
On the way home. Just as I was relieved to know that all I had to do was go back down, my legs suddenly stopped.
--That! The road, there is no road.
The route downhill suddenly disappears,No, there was no other way to describe it but to say that it had drowned out.Looking back, the route we have just taken downhill continues as an uphill path. But ......, the left side of the path where we stopped appears to be all downhill between cedar trees, and the right side is blocked by a large stone. I had a bad feeling. We turned back down the descent route, thinking that we might have taken a wrong turn somewhere, and climbed up about 30 meters. Red and white tape was wrapped around the trunks of the surrounding trees, indicating that we were on the right path. Retracing your steps further, you will return to Kuroo Mountain and the ruins of Shiroyama and Shuzan Castle. There are signs along the way, which should be easy to find.
The road is gone! A big rock!
We tried the descent route again, but again came to the same spot and were blocked by a cedar forest. The route was still lost.Three times we walked up and down the same road. Even though the temperature was 5 degrees Celsius, our backs were drenched with sweat. Just as I was reaching the peak of my impatience, I suddenly saw a narrow path that made a V-shaped left turn from the descent route. This was it!
Looking back, I see a path downhill! Why I didn't see this path is a mystery...
(Passing between the tree in front (right) and the next tree (left))
How could I not see this road? I was relieved, but at the same time, I was beaten! I thought. I have had the experience twice before of being forced to walk in circles on the same path in the mountains. It is commonly known asThe fox has turned me."It is said, "That's it. By the way,In Kyoto, people say, "I was bewitched by a raccoon dog" or "I was played by a tengu.After descending the route, we joined a wide forest road and were able to safely descend the mountain.
I hear that many people have experienced being forced to walk the same path over and over again in the mountains.Some people say that fatigue and overgrown vegetation make it difficult to see the path, but stillIt is fitting to say that he was transformed by a fox demon.Come to think of it, there was a raccoon-like droppings on the way. Or maybe not,Was he teased by Mitsuhide Akechi? We left Mt. Shu in awe and gratitude to the mountain gods for our safe descent.
The entrance and exit to the village of Kashiwabara in Kyohoku Town is in sight.
What kind of place is Keihokucho, Kyoto in the first place?
Akechi Mitsuhide is the protagonist of the 2020 Taiga Drama
Traditionally located in Keihoku, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City
New Kyoto sightseeing spot in Keihoku!
Tradition that exists everywhere in the city of Kyoto. It is not just a picture, it is secretly alive in this modern age and continues to coexist with people. The two of Office TO, who previously wrote a series of articles "Kyoto's Demon World Exploration" in the monthly magazine Leaf, explore the mysterious "different" world of Kyoto, which was created over 1200 years. I will unravel the story while actually visiting the place. .