Kyoto's sacred mountains are Hieizan in the east and Atagoyama in the west.Id. Sacred Mountain of the WestAtago-yama" is a mountain where the god of fire fighters, the most powerful in Japan, is enshrined.In fact, there is another one, although it is better known asA mountain with a great tengu leader.But there was.
Atagoyama Trail (from Kiyotaki)
Speaking of the 8 major tengu in Japan,No. 1, Tarobo, Atagoyama, Kyoto (Eijutsu Taro)Jiro-bo on Mt. Hira in Shiga, Jiro-bo on Mt. Hira in Kyoto, Saburo-bo on Mt.Atagoyama Tarobo is the first of these, and its divine power turns heaven and earth upside down.It is said to be so powerful that it is said to be the most powerful in the world.
According to an ancient legend of Atago-yama and a collection of stories from the Heian period (794-1185), En no Gyoja, the founder of mountain esoteric Buddhism, and Unben Shonin, an ascetic monk of the Nara period (710-794), founded Atago-yama, and were praying there with great effort using secret techniques. Tarobo appeared along with Nichira, a great tengu from India, and Zekai, the leader of the Chinese tengu. The number of them,Atagoyama was filled with tengu (long-nosed goblins).It is conveyed as.
Its location is at 17th Street, up the Atagoyama Omotesando approach.Shisho Myojin (Hihatsu Gonjin) of theSo, Tarobo showed up, and Oosugi...Atago no Yama no Kami no HimorogiIt is extant as a
Ruins of Hiuchigongen (17th Street)
Although the half-hollowed giant trunk bears charred burn marks caused by lightning strikes, it is protected by various prayer tags, stone pillars and shrines,The certainty of spiritual power is being passed down to the present.Atago. Those who climb Mt. Atago first worship this large cedar andAim for the summit, protected by spiritual power.
Now, theThe true identity of the deformed one called Tenguis a concern.
Originally, tengu, headed by Tarobo, came to Japan at about the same time as the arrival of Buddhism from the continent. In China and India, where tengu originated, they would appear suddenly in the night sky and run across the sky with their long tails.Shooting stars (meteorites) and cometsThe name "fox" and "dog" are used to refer to the foxes and dogs that run in the field, and their appearance resembles that of a fox or a dog running in the field.The Dog of Heaven.The first time the character for "the" was used was in the name of a Japanese family.
Moreover, they are ever-changing and appear by surprise, and when they become meteorites and fall to the ground or to the sea, their destructive power is tremendous. When they become meteors and fall to the ground or to the sea, their destructive power is beyond human understanding. It is no wonder that people were in awe of tengu as demons and great demon kings, and there is even a theory that tengu are also known as "demon kings.The red face of the tengu is also the color of the meteor that becomes a ball of fire and flies away.and thatThe long nose is the tail of a fireballThe "K" in the name of the "K" is also said to be a representation of the "K" in the name of the "K".
Tengu in front of Kurama Station in the snow
Later, the tengu arrived in Japan, settled in steep mountains, and underwent a process of evolution that is unique to Japan.
One of these evolutions is the face and appearance of the tengu I mentioned earlier. The tengu has a red face and a big, red nose that sticks out from the face of a shugenja, but this is a uniquely Japanese appearance that has evolved considerably,When they first arrived, they looked like eagles, hawks, dragonflies, crows, and other birds of prey, foxes, dogs, and flying squirrels, with faces like those of flying squirrels and large wingswas.
In the early days of their arrival, the tengu looked different from what they do now.
National Diet Library Digital CollectionsFrom the collection "Ara Sansui Tengu Nose, 3 vols.
Incidentally, it is said that the true identity of the small tengu who trained Ushiwakamaru in swordsmanship on Kurama Mountain is a Musasabi, whose descendants still reside on Kurama Mountain.
Digital Collections of the National Diet LibraryThe Tengu figure from "Ko-Otsu-e Shu, Satsuki-an Collection Edition No. 2. Tengu figure from "No.2
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Tradition that exists everywhere in the city of Kyoto. It is not just a picture, it is secretly alive in this modern age and continues to coexist with people. The two of Office TO, who previously wrote a series of articles "Kyoto's Demon World Exploration" in the monthly magazine Leaf, explore the mysterious "different" world of Kyoto, which was created over 1200 years. I will unravel the story while actually visiting the place. .