A new frontier [Ryoya Maekawa] combining the techniques acquired at one of Kyoto's most famous restaurants with an endless inquisitive spirit 2021.1.15
The staff came together as one to create a miso stew stand [(M)iso stand] with an added touch of humanity. 2021.1.15
The deliciousness of basmati rice expressed with sea bream soup and mapo tofu is popular [INDIA GATE] 2021.1.14
Visit eiziya ZOU, a kimono store that also offers cute sundries. The authentic woven items will upgrade your daily life! 2021.1.13 PR
I hear you can actually do take-out and tastings? We investigated the usability of the hottest spots. 2021.1.13 PR
The Christmas mood will be growing for four weeks! The "Scandinavian Food Stalls - Christmas ... 2024.11.22