Inaugural event! Anime Cinema Night" to show anime films at venues unique to Kyoto / Ponto-cho Utamatsurijo, Kyoto International Manga Museum 2024.9.13
Sake lover's crook appears in Kyoto's Gojo Rakuen area! [The "Kyokumonosaketen" is a Japanese sake store in the Gojo Rakuen area of Kyoto. 2024.8.25
Craftsmanship shines through in a course meal at Sushi Morigaku, a sushi restaurant in Kiyamachi. 2024.8.20
Enjoy a chic time at Sui., a stylish restaurant in Kawaramachi, Kyoto, popular for its creative non-genre cuisine. 2024.8.16
Oryori Miyama on Kiyamachi Dori is a standing bar where you can enjoy gibier in a casual atmosphere. 2024.8.11
A large collection of wonderful handmade works, gourmet food, music, and experiences... 2024.12.26 PR