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Raku Museum of Art Special Exhibition

Special exhibition "Raku no Kiki: Manhana-no-Sai" is currently being held at Raku Museum.

Saturday, September 07, 2024 - Tuesday, December 24, 2024
10:00-16:30 (last admission/16:00)
Raku Museum of Art

The exhibition "Raku No Ki: Manhua no Chai" is being held at the Raku Museum of Art until December 24, 2024 (Tuesday).
Raku pottery, which enhances and delights food, comes in a variety of colors, including black, red, and white Raku, as well as green, yellow, and candy glazes. There are a variety of designs, and like tea bowls, they are characterized by their soft taste and warmth.
This year's exhibition will feature the entire cast of Raku, from Tsunekei II to Raku's successive generations, and will showcase a variety of dishes that will add a touch of seasonal beauty to kaiseki cuisine.
In addition, the third exhibition room features "Tea Bowls of the Centuries," and the second exhibition room, titled "Kyoto Cuisine: Raku of the Old Restaurants," displays valuable vessels from the collections of Kyoto's ryotei (traditional Japanese-style restaurants).
This is a chance to see Raku's rarely seen vessels. Please come and visit us.

Ryotei exhibiting "Kyoto Ryoraku": Kikunoi, Kyoto Kitcho, Kyo Yamato, Hyotei, WAKUDEN

Raku History Special Exhibition "Raku no Ki - Manhana-no-Sai

  • Special exceptions are for special events at the Late Antiquity Special Exhibition, Late Antiquity Special Exhibition, Late Antiquity Special Exhibition, Late Antiquity Special Exhibition
  • Raku Museum of Art
  • Saturday, September 07, 2024 - Tuesday, December 24, 2024 10:00 - 16:30 (last admission/16:00)
  • Adults 1200 yen, University students 1000 yen, High school students 500 yen, Free for junior high school students and under
    Welfare discount: ¥500 for those with a valid ID/free for up to one caregiver
  • 87-1 Aburahashizume-cho, Ichijo-sagaru, Aburakoji-dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
  • 3 min. walk from bus stops "Horikawa Neutral Selling" and "Ichijo-Moribashi/Harumei-jinja-mae".
    12 min. walk from Exit 6 of Imadegawa Subway Station
  • Tel. 075-414-0304
  • Closed on Mondays *Open on national holidays and November 11 (Mon.)
  • 4 parking spaces
  • https://www.raku-yaki.or.jp/museum/exhibition/index.html
*Please note that the information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
*Since this site uses automatic translation, the translation may differ from the original Japanese content.


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