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estiloh Interior

Kyoto Spanish restaurant [estilo h (estilo aceh)] woven by West x Day, located in the south of Gosho.

Restaurant serving innovative Spanish cuisine located on the 2nd floor of a Kyomachiya in the south of Gosho. The name of the restaurant means "H (Hatashita) style" in Spanish. As the name suggests, the chef, Kohei Hatashita, serves dishes that are a combination of Spanish and Japanese cuisine.

estiloh Cuisine

All dishes are examples of the 16,500 yen dinner course. An appetizer of a sweetfish with its young in sherry nectar is served with vegetables from Ohara, where the chef goes every week.

While training as a chef since the age of 20, he became fascinated with Spanish cuisine at the age of 32 and moved to the West in 2019. Mr. Hateshita gained experience in Spanish cuisine while working as a chef in Malaga, Spain. At the World Paella Day Cup 2023, a world paella competition held annually in Valencia, Spain, the birthplace of paella, he became the first Japanese chef to successfully win the competition and was crowned world number one.

estiloh Cuisine

The Matsuba crab paella is irresistible with rice that absorbs all the flavors of the pike conger dashi and Matsuba crab. The rice is Shiki Yutaka from Shiga Prefecture.

I want to connect people with people, Japan with Spain, and the world with paella. I want people to enjoy such a joyful time with their loved ones, sharing the paella that is cooked all over the pot, just like the phrase "eating out of the same pot. Chef Hateshita uses a broth made from hamo (conger eel). The depth of the paella enhanced by the broth overturns the conventional image of paella and has captivated visitors who have said, "I have never tasted such delicious paella. Enjoy the dishes spun by Chef Hatashita, who smiles and says, "Paella makes the world happy.

estilo h

  • Estilo Aceh
  • 2F, 560-8, Barbarian-cho, Nijo-agaru, Manomachi-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
  • 4 minutes walk from Exit 7 of Marutamachi Subway Station
  • Tel. 075-744-6150
  • 12:00 - Simultaneous start
    18:00 - Simultaneous start
  • Closed on Sundays and Mondays
  • All seats non-smoking Fully private room available No parking
  • https://www.instagram.com/estilo_h.kyoto/
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