Collaboration of three long-established sake breweries in Kyoto! New Japanese...
Sake World, a Japanese sake venture that operates a variety of sake-related businesses, has launched a crowdfunding campaign to coincide with the opening of its new facility, My Sake World (Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture), where visitors can experience sake making.
[My Sake World is a facility where customers can create their own "my saké" by blending their favorite combination of 12 types of sake produced by sake breweries throughout Japan under the concept of "a place where you can fall in love with sake even more. There will be two locations: My Sake World Oike Villa, with a maximum capacity of 4 people, and My Sake World Kyoto Kawaramachi, with a capacity of 20 to 30 people.
Funds raised will be used to expand the services of both stores and to cover the costs of holding events. Check out the unique gifts such as a ticket for a tour of the sake brewery, which is usually closed to the public, and a set of assorted Japanese sake. Come and experience the charm of sake, a world-class cultural heritage.
<My Sake World Miike Villa
*General acceptance will be around January 2025 (tentative)
<My Sake World Kyoto Kawaramachi Branch
*Scheduled to open in spring 2025.
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